Okay- all I have to say, is when did I wake up to find a little boy living at my house and not just a baby? Daily I'm amazed at the stuff that he does...stuff that I know I didn't teach him...and I don't know that his daddy did either. Here are a few big boy things that Gavin is up to these days:
1. Taking out the trash- Gavin is totally into the trash these days. This is both cute and scary at the same time. Anything that we lose, we suddenly start calculating the last time that we took out the trash as we know our little "helper" might have disposed of it. This is especially scary with phones and remotes. So far we are still able to phone a friend and channel surf- but we keep a close eye on the trash these days.
2. Checking himself out in the baby monitor. Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE our video baby monitor?
Every once in a while I wonder how long it will be okay for us to watch our kiddo with a video baby monitor. 16 you think? (Sidenote that I wish Summer Video Monitor Company was paying me for: In all seriousness, I love our video monitor. I've heard people say that they would never want a video monitor because they would watch it all the time. It's actually quite the opposite- I love my video monitor because whenever I'm concerned about what's going on in his room, I just pop it on, see that he's A-okay and go about my business as opposed to standing outside his door, wondering if I should open it or worrying or whatever. AND our monitor has four channels so it can connect to up to four cameras...I'm thinking that means we get to have four kids. Aces!) Well anyways- Gavin stumbled on this the other day- little does he know it's our very own "big brother". Mwah ha ha.
3. Doing some heavy lifting.
Is this guy ready for an Iron Man or what? I mean, that is showing some guts and glory! Every now and then Gavin likes to clean out the kitchen cabinets and it takes all the brute strength he can muster. But that kids got it.
4. Feeding himself.
Okay- I know that these are all things that all babies eventually learn how to do...but ay yay yay, how proud am I of this cute kid?
A mom who was getting ready to watch her son accept a prestigious award at his university once told me that you're just as proud of them when they learn to wave and clap and do the little things like that as you are when they someday win big awards and accomplish big things. I hope that's true because as sappy as it is, I can't imagine myself getting any more proud of him when he does silly little things like this...
5. Checking his e-mail.
Genius. That's all I can say.
6. Drinking from a big boy glass- I love the mornings when I get to wake Gavin up and we get to eat breakfast together. There aren't quite as many of them in a week as I would like..but that just makes me more grateful for the ones that we do get. Gavin is a big fan of sharing food. He always wants a bite or drink or taste of what I'm having...but he's sure to reciprocate. MmMmMmm...got to love me some soggy cheerios.
But Gavin's favorite breakfast item that I share is the OJ...although I'm not sure if he likes the juice more or the sound his voice makes when he makes noises into the glass. Definitely only something a big boy can do.
7. Chillaxin' in his recliner...with a broom. Obviously. Isn't this what all the big boys do?
So clearly it's Christmas morning. This was what Santa left at our house this year- a recliner and a broom. Believe it or not, it's quite the toss up between which gift is the bigger hit. Sweeping is a big deal in our house- not that we do it that often, but when we do, Gavin wants to be in on the action. We decided to share the love and get him his own pint-sized sweeper, which he now pushes around like a vacuum.
I'm so proud of my big 15 month-old boy! I love being a part of so many new discoveries.
Each day is a new adventure with something new to learn or master or see through new eyes.
But I'm also glad that when he's not too busy being such a big boy, that he still has time to cuddle up and give us some love
and remind us that he's still a little boy for just a little bit longer...