Saturday, December 1, 2012

Turkey Butt

Since it's 12:46 am and I'm still going, I thought I'd at least share these cute pics from Thanksgiving...

7 Months- November

Well it's 12:03.  I've missed my goal.  Searching for the "in the vault" Gavin Halloween pics really killed my time BUT I am willing to sacrifice sleep for getting caught up.  And when the subject matter is this cute, it doesn't makeit too difficult.

Harper Addison is 7 months old!  She is now officially closer to age 1 then she is being born.  So bittersweet.  Words that described Harper this month were "enthusiastic", "joyful" and "delighted to be alive".  That about sums it up.  But don't take my word for it...

Harper is a petite little thing- kind of a long and lean type situation.  She's in the 25th percentile of her weight.  She's doing a great job eatting fruits and veggies and loves homemade carrots, peas, pears, sweet potatoes and bananas! Harper also has two sweet little teeth.
Harper is jibjabbering a lot.  She loves to say "dadada" and "bababa" and loves to laugh with her brother.  She moves her hand like she's waving bye bye.  Sometimes it seems like she's doing it in response to people talkking with her.  AND I really really really think that she said "bye" on Thanksgiving.  Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure it was a Thanksgiving miracle.  She not only was waving, but said "bye" too as people were leaving our house from Thanksgiving breakfast. 
Harper is doing lots of pre-crawling.  She gets so excited about moving that occassionally she knocks herself backwards, but it's so fun to watch her work so hard.  Sweet sibling moment: a few nights ago, we were trying to see if Harper would crawl to a toy.  I was laying on the floor to be at her eye level.  Gavin came and laid next to me and was saying "Go Harper go!" and "you can do it!".  So sweet.  They definitely feed off of one another's excitement and it's fun to start to see her and Gavin interact and make each other laugh.  Harper has also loved splish splashing around in the big girl bathtub.  She sits so well and loves to reach for bath toys and splash in the water- it's definitely a fun play time.  Last but not least, she continues to love her friend in the mirror and is very excited about seeing her and grinning at her whenever she can. 
 We love our precious baby girl with her crazy hair, laid back spirit and delightedness at life.  We're delighted that you're ours, little girl. 

Sushi and the nerd

Okay.  So in the interest of time (because it's now 11:41) I'm not proof reading my posts.  Don't judge. 

So what else has happened since October 26th?  Well, Halloween of course!  So while I won't do a complete play by play of the day (no cheering, please) I will brag on and show off my two sweet trick-or-treaters. 

Harper was a piece of sushi.  Thank you, Pinterest. 

I could just eat up that sweet little cuteness roll!  
And Gavin was a nerd. 
Sweet little nerd.  We went to a trunk-or-treat event at my parents' church and at one point he tripped and spilt some candy out of his bucket.  Poor little guy- he definitely looked the part. 

And now for the 2010-2012 Halloween recap.  Harper- you'll get yours next year, sweet stuff.

Gavin- Halloween 2010
Gavin- Halloween 2011
Gavin- Halloween 2012
 Glad we could be keeping things progressively dignified. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Keep calm and mustache on...

So it's 11:05 pm on November 30th- a whole month and then some after Gavin's birthday party.  How terrible am I?  I am probably at risk of getting my licensed revoked by the "awesome blogger mom league of America"!  My goal is to update three posts in 55 minutes...which is now 54 minutes because I have to be in bed by midnight!  And go....

Gavin's birthday party was a BLAST!!!  We had so much fun celebrating with our friends and family and LOVED seeing everyone turn out with their facial haired support.  Yes- it was a mustache theme. People ask me- what's a mustache party?  It's a party where everyone wears a mustache...duh!

A few highlights of our day:

Putting on the mustaches- I got to be the model to try out the awesome mustache tattoos that my father-in-law found in Detroit.  They were so ridiculously awesome.  They stayed on so well, we could have worn them for days...we didn't though...sadly.
Then it was the birthday boy's turn!!!
I can't stand the cuteness...
A family of  hairy lipped fellows (Harper did eventually get a mustache from eye liner- we weren't about to leave her out!)
Our good friend Jackie made us yet ANOTHER awesome cake.  She is so talented.  She just had a baby, so she wasn't going to make the cake this year.  She told me she'd look up a few cake ideas for me to order from Walmart...we started brainstorming and by the end of the time, she was signed up to do it.  So cute...and so yummy!
Okay- so not only am I getting my blogger mom license revoked, but I am going in some terrible mom book- we totally forgot to get a video of Gaving blowing out his birthday candles.  I thought of it the second he blew them out- all by himself, mind you.  I almost had everyone sing to him again and reenact the whole thing, but I thought that was a little over the looking back, I kind of wish that I had.  So here is the moment in still shots...
We played "Pin the mustache on Gavin" as a party game.  It was so fun!
Gavin was very amused to see a huge blow up picture of himself with mustache stickers all over it.  And really, who wouldn't be?
Be still my heart.  Look at that sweet boy saying hi to his friends as they got to his party. 

We loved having both our families there- or as many people as could be there from both of our families.  My dad had his gall bladder out literally the day before.  He had been in the hospital ALL WEEK and every time he talked to me he said- "I'm going to be at Gavin's birthday party- with a mustache."  Pops always keeps his promises.  

We call Matthew's family "the party elves" because they are the most awesome party assistants you could.  I tend to freak out having people over, but two years in a row, they've helped us helped us pull everything together at the last minute. 
Matthew's Niney came to the party from Arkansas.  She is precious and we LOVE her.  After the birthday party, we all went out to dinner with our mustaches on.  She was walking across the parking lot kind of on her own and she said that a man rolled down his window in his car, smiled at her and said "you just made my day!"  Ha! 
What a fun day to celebrate our little man!
He's a sweet little guy and I can't wait to see what fun is to come in his 2nd year!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

6 Months- October

I'm behind, as usual.  October is a big month for us- Gavin's birthday, Harper's 1/2 birthday, Halloween. I'm behind.  So in a game of "catch up", I am blogging when I should be folding laundry, cleaning the kitchen/bathroom/living room, planning meals for the upcoming week, getting my grocery list together.  Someday I'll look back on this post and thank myself- but it probably won't be this week when we're picking up fast food for dinner and coming home to a mound of laundry on the love seat.  But this, too, shall pass.

Harper is 6 months old!  That's half way to a year.  What a sweet little weed we have on our hands!

This month finds Harper introduced to sweet potatoes, bananas and peas.  So far she is loving her fruits and veggies.  So far her food has been made up of a little bit of rice or oatmeal cereal, whatever fruit or vegetable has been freshly pureed and the always perfect ingredient to any baby meal being prepared- mother's milk.  Some days I kind of judge her for enjoying such a concoction.  But she gobbles it up none-the-less.  Her little cheeks are getting fuller (both sets of cheeks, by the way) her thighs are getting rollier and her little tummy is getting just a little bit rounder, which sounds to me like we're doing all of the things we're supposed to be doing! 

Harper is rolling and sitting like a champ.  She likes to sit up on the living room floor and play with whatever toy Gavin sees fit to bring her at the time.  Most toys go straight to her mouth, but she's started drumming on a few things and loves to fully examine items- especially her hands.  

It's really cute- sometimes she'll just start staring at her hands and turning them over, likes she's just remembered that they're hers.  

This month Harper got her first tooth!  She is a sweet little tooth cutter- she's bit a little bit fussier than usual, but nothing a little cuddling or a nap can't take care of.  It's her bottom right tooth and I've felt her bottom left tooth coming in as well- but we'll save that one for next month.  

Harper is making little pre-crawling moves- nothing big, but she'll definitely take little lunges if there is something just out of arms reach.  Better than crawling right now is rolling.  Who knew rolling could get you so many places?!  If she seems something she really wants, she'll find a way to roll herself to it.  It's pretty ingenius if you ask me.  She's also jabbering quite a bit.  She loves to tell us stories about "dadadada" or "yayayaya".  All are very meaningful and compelling.  It's so cute to here her just chatter away.  

And this picture below is just to prove that 5+ hours on most of which occurred when I could have been sleeping- is time well spent.  Look how cute and dainty!!  I love this precious little head- with or without a bow.  

Although without a bow, she's getting some pretty funky fly-aways these days.  She's gone from having the Jack Nicholson power alleys to now having some mad scientist sticky- outy hair.  It's nothing a little bow or hair gel can't fix.  

I'm so loving life with my sweet little baby doll.  Harpie Girl- we love you just the way you are!