Monday, September 19, 2011

Ranger Day!

It's no secret that the Coxes have a thing for all things Rangers.  There is no way that Gavin was going to make it one full year of his life without seeing the Rangers play live and in person.  And earlier this month- that's exactly what we did!  The Cox family took Gavin Cox out to the ole ball game! 

I must point out all of Gavin's Rangers' flare before he even left for the game.  Gavin is seen here dressed in his Rangers finest from head to toe. 
  • Rangers hat? Check. 
  • Rangers onesie? Check (He had a spare in a different color just in case his lunch didn't agree with him)
  • Searsuckered shorts that match daddy's? Check. 
  • Socks made to look like a baseball? Check.
The only kid more Ranger-fied then this one is probably Josh Hamilton's 4th daughter- who, by the way, was born the day before we went to the Ranger game....(Oh my gosh! I'm getting sucked in to- I know these people by name!) 
I must say I was filled with much mommy/wife pride and nostalgia as I watched Matthew walk up the stadium with his little boy for the first time.  I could practically hear the Rudy-like music playing in the background- it felt as all-American as we've ever been.  It was definitely one of those great father/son moments.  Matthew was one proud papa!
And Gavin was a champ! 
He loved the game and when he wasn't watching from his seat on Daddy's shoulders or in his lap,
he was climbing on the stadium seats himself
...or being passed back and forth by the many Cox family members who were there to watch the game Gavin.  
It was a momentous day to be sure...and I'm sure the first of many more to come!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

10 months

The busiest of all the babies has reached double digit months- 10. In the words of Sarah Palin, "Say it isn't so, Joe."  I must say that Gavin is only getting better with age. Month 10 finds him standing, crawling, exploring and being overall the cutest baby in the world. 
My mother has given Gavin the moniker "Christopher Columbus" because he's the official explorer of anything and everything.  I have to admit that he is always moving and always into something.  Month 10 finds him weighing over 20 lbs, holding steady at 3 teeth with 1 more about to eek out any day, and doing a myriad of cute things.
Gavin is a most excellent stander and sometimes catches himself standing without holding onto anything...but those moments are few and far between..but getting less fewer and less farrer between as he gains some confidence.  The trick is to hold out something he REALLY wants right when he is only holding onto something with one hand.  That'll get him every time. 
Gavin is also saying lots of cute things like "uh oh" (on occassion) and "babababa"(quite often).  We may have even had an intentional "Daddy" the other day.  We can't be too sure until it happens again, but nine out of ten dentists would probably agree that's what he said.  He likes to mimic us when we make a funny sound.  He has also become really social and will call out to people that are walking by.  The other night we were playing in the front yard and he was practically beside himself yelling at the kids playing about 4 houses down from us.  They just would not pay attention to him and he needed to know why!  He has also become quite enamored with trying to snap his fingers.  He's so funny- he'll hold his fingers in a perpetual snapping position and watches with great interest when other people snap.  I'm not quite sure what that says about him, but his mama sure likes it.  He is also becoming quite the good helper. His two favorites right now are helping with laundry and cleaning out the kitchen cabinets.  He certainly didn't inherit either of those talents from his mother.
I am so happy to have such a happy baby.  I love that he smiles hundreds of times a day for everything from being woken up in the morning to seeing his daddy walk into a room to being ridiculously amused with himself when he opens and closes his diaper genie (that's one of the smellier games he has recently started enjoying).  Every smile is a precious gift and I am happy to be the mommy of the boy that smiles them.