Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cutest Toe Jam Ever

What blog is complete without a little toe jam?!  Just another thing that is only cute for a very short while....
Enjoy it while you can, Gav.  Enjoy it while you can...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gavin's Repertoire

I know that they say that every new stage is the funnest one...and that is definitely true of the past few months with the Gav.  This kid does so much!  Who says a baby only poops, eats and sleeps?  The past few weeks have found Gavin reaching some serious milestones:

Rolling over:  We started noticing this just after New Years.  We could tell he was on the verge, but he would never quite make it over his arm.  Then one morning I went into his room and he was on his tummy.  From then on, he was a rolling machine- but only in his bed!  He would never do it in front of Matthew and I.  We even watched him do it on the video monitor, but never in front of us.  FINALLY on January 8th, the Gav made his first public roll...and it was a doozy.  Mommy and Daddy were both there to watch.  We cheered for him so enthusiastically I think we scared him. 

Check out our little high roller.

Sitting: Gavin's doing an awesome job sitting up.  He sits great in his little bumbo seat or if he's propped up against something. 

Sometimes he gets a little tired...but then again, who doesn't?

Standing:  This is one of my favorites right now.  His little legs are so strong that when you pull him up to sit, he goes straight into standing.  Some of my favorite times with him are having him stand on my lap and watching his little face.  He gets really animated when he's working really hard. 

And check out those cute knees.

Gavin is also a most excellent hand-sucker.  Homeboy loves to suck on his hand lately.  Sometimes when we go to wake him up, not only has he pulled his arm out of his swaddle, but out of his onesie so that he can get to his little fist.  As you might expect, this makes for a lot of drool.  We change a lot of sheets these days- not because of "accidents" but because of drool.  A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!

It's amazing to watch a little miracle in the making.  We tell him every day that he is fearfully and wonderfully made. 

First Post

So every blog has to have a first post.  I waited weeks to start this blog just trying to think of the perfect first post.  I thought and I thought and then it occurred to me- I'd already have the dang thing started if I just had gone ahead and posted something.  So without any pomp and is our Cox Family blog.  Just meant to document the life and times of Matthew, Jordan and Gavin. 

I would like to thank the sponsors of this lovely blog. 
First, Mr. Gavin Cox who is the most adorable and fun subject matter on the face of the earth.  Our little man is just over three months old and every day he does something more cuter and more adorabler than the day before. 

Second, is our lovely Canon Rebel EOS.  This was a VERY special Christmas gift given to us by very special people.  We're still learning how to use it- Matthew is by far better than me. 

Our subject matter has gotten used to having his picture taken.  Somedays he likes it..

And some days he doesn't

But we still snap away!  It's a hard job, but somebody has to do it.

Other blog sponsorers include Awesome Daddy, Matthew:

And, yours truly, proud blogger mom, Jordan:

We hope you enjoy keeping up with the Coxes via our little blog.