Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fun and Games

As we have clearly established, Gavin is officially ONE! (yes, yes I promise to post pictures of his birthday parties-plural- and his calendar pic progression- I'm a terrible blogger mom) I know we're only 22 days into this new age, but we are finding that it's completely fun...not that we thought it would be anything but.  Gavin is walking more and more.  It's so fun to watch him just take off.  And even when he falls, it's so cute and he's so proud of himself! 
His most fun game right now is "What can you dump in the diaper genie"- pun definitely intended.  The general jist of the game as I understand it is that Gavin tries to stuff anything imaginable from his room into the diaper genie. 
The goal, apparently, is for him to make the item fit in the diaper genie hole and to successfully close it, causing the deposited item to go into the trash portion (he's not aware of the magical trash portion- he just knows if he pulls the lever down and then back up that the item disappears).  
It would seem that he also gets additional points if he can get the item into the trash portion without his mother intercepting the item before it's sent below, causing yours truly to have to retrieve it from amongst a pool of dirty diapers.
 He's gotten quite impressive with items that he's attempted.  Soap, toys, stuffed animals, books, shoes...pretty much anything laying around.  Below is a picture of some of his attempted endeavors.  As you can see he doesn't quite have a concept for size, shape or scale.
But occassionally, he finds something that turns out to be a winner.
He's got to at least be at intermediate level by now.  I mean, look at this kid.  
He didn't quite get the maximum number of points for that one.  While he did get points becuase his mother didn't have to intercept it, but he wasn't quite successful at stuffing the full contents into the diaper genie.
Now that's a one-year-old game if I ever saw.

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