Friday, June 27, 2014

A Non-Pregnant Woman's Guide On Not Inadvertently Calling Someone Fat

The weirdest phenomenon happens to me.  All the time.

I am approached by people on an embarrassingly regular basis, congratulating me on the shape of my tummy, asking me whether my belly is a boy or a girl or poking at my belly button and commenting on how "fluffy" I am.  Darn it if that doesn't sound like all of these people are asking me if I am pregnant!  I wish I could say I was lying, but alas, I am not.  I've come to expect it and even occasionally enjoy the funny awkwardness, now that I've mastered the art of making people squirm and all.  Yes- I have had to tell a male colleague that my stomach doesn't really have a gender, but if it did, I'm sure if would be a girl, since that is what I am.  I have also had to tell a stranger or two that they need not ask my children in a baby voice if they are excited about their new brother or sister.  

Part of me wants to say, "Come on, peeps!  I know I'm no fit model, but is it really THAT bad?"

THIS is me being pregnant (circa 2010)

And THIS is me more recently on a strict frappucino diet 
(come on!  Starbucks 1/2 price happy hour in May?!  You know you had more than three in a week too!)

While I'm certainly not going to be confused as a Crossfit enthusiast, I  don't exactly feel "basketball in my shirt" big.  Right?!

I also don't quite buy the excuse that I receive on occasion that the person only asked me because I was "glowing".  While I don't deny that I could have the tendency to glow, I bet you a dollar to a donut (fat joke?) that when a skinny girl is "glowing", nobody asks her if she is pregnant.  

Just a few thoughts.  While I agree that rather than writing a post unabashedly exclaiming to the world how out of shape I am, I probably should be planking or doing crunches or running around my kitchen island with 3 lb hand weights velcroed to my bingo arms; however as a working mother of two kids, ages 3 and under, I've come to live with a certain level of acceptance.  No, I don't think that I should accept things forever, but for this minute in my life, I'm just not at a velcro strapping, crunch-while-I'm-juicing type stage.  And since most of my life is lived in a place of neurotic inadequacy, I don't view this as defeated. I view this acceptance as allowing grace for myself.  

I also could agree that perhaps one could make more flattering clothes choices.  Yes.  You're right.  I called my personal stylist and we have an appointment on Tuesday.  Wait.  I forgot.  I don't have one.  
I have 3 rules when it comes by buying clothes: 
1. I saw it.
2. I liked it.
3. It was cheap.

Seriously.  The last time I was in a dressing room, my 3 year old announced loudly to the world that he could see my hiney.  You don't get to do very much twirling and viewing when, along with trying on the clothes, you are also attempting to feed your 2-year-old a snack (a snack that cannot be messy or you risk transferring snack residue onto the clothes that you are trying on), keeping your son from crawling out of the bottom part of the  dressing room door, and trying to keep them both engaged in a game of "ew" or "yay".  That's right- I let my kids vote on the clothes I purchase by answering "ew" or "yay" when I put something on.  Let's just say that I have veto'd many an "ew"...which perhaps could be the source of me purchasing so many maternity-esque type shirts. 

So how does this happen?  You can probably guess. It's easy math.  
two babies + uncrunched tummy + tendency to glow + blousy shirt/empire waste cothes= 
pregnancy inquiries

Here are a series of pictures of me not being pregnant and a potential reason for the confusion: 

Blousy shirt.  Blame it on fashion.  
Although how cute would this pic be if someone was in a "delicate condition" and did enjoy taking pictures of herself in elevator mirrors?! 

Blousy shirt again
and check out that hot non-baby daddy!

Blousy shirt/unflattering hold position

Gut emphasizing slouch
but super awesome family pic.  Thank you, Erika! 

Not particularly pregnant looking, but I just really like this shirt.

So, I will leave you with my criteria for asking a woman if she is pregnant since a fluffy tummy is clearly not the only indicator of pregnant status or condition.  A fluffy tummy must be accompanied by at least one or more of the following:
  • rubbing of the belly-  And I would specify a loving rubbing of the belly.  Other small gestures around the belly area could indicate disagreeable BBQ or an attempt at a discreet adjustment of a tight waste line
  • a noticeable pregnant-like waddle or swollen feet
  • conversations about child birth, breast feeding and/ or placenta encapsulation
  • wearing a shirt that says "Bun in the oven" "Baby on board" or "ask me about my baby daddy" (I kind of think this one can stand on its own.  If you're wearing this shirt and you're not pregnant, who can you really blame?)
  • Is she holding a new born?  If yes, than the chances are very great that she just gave birth to this child. I HIGHLY recommend that you not ask this woman if she is pregnant.  If you would like a case in point, I would refer to the Babies R Us manager that asked me this 5 days postpartum.  I think he has nightmares about me to this day.  
  • Is her tummy large beyond a reasonable doubt?  Think along the lines of a criminal trial here.  
If she looks like this:
it is questionable.  There are many reasonable doubts.  
I warn you- do not ask, congratulate, pet or predict a gender.  This woman is not pregnant.

However if a reasonable doubt is marginal, you may proceed.

If she looks like this: 
reasonable doubts have been safely mitigated.  
She is either 
a) pregnant 
b) you may call grocery store security because someone is shoplifting watermelons. 

Disclaimer: This post was intended for the humor, enjoyment and self deprecation of the writer.  No judgement on behalf of those making pregnancy inquiries has been rendered.   

Saturday, June 21, 2014

...but I forgot to blog about it. Part 2

Just in time for the World Cup, I'd like to take you all back the Winter Olympic games.  Quite the fun time in the Cox house. Even now, Gavin will occasionally ask if we can turn on the "bolympics".  My kids enjoyed nearly every watchable moment of the Olympic games from the opening ceremonies to Evgeni Plushenko's historic acquiescence of what was to be his gold metal skate.  All of these moments were watched and felt by Mr. Gavin Cox.  We had some pretty precious moments...and I can only tell you that I am counting down the days until the summer Bolympics.

Most of  our dinner times were stationed in front of the TV.  This isn't  common in the Cox house since we TRY to have dinner around the table- one of the only "normal" things that we do.  We break our rule occasionally and felt that the Winter games were a great opportunity to do this.

When Gavin wasn't strapped to his high chair, he was down on the floor, participating in whatever sport it was that we were watching. 
This is Gavin and Harper actively participating in the opening ceremonies.  

And this is Gavin "cross country skiing".  If you can't tell, he is using our dissembled alphabet puzzle from the last picture- the T and the P make excellent ski poles, if you don't mind an extreme "hunch" position.
They also both passionately participated in men's, women's and pairs figure skating.

 One of our more interactive moments was Gavin reenacting when Evgeni Plushenko bowed out of his final Olympic skate after a fall that resulted in a back injury.  Gavin would- very mime-like, since the television coverage of it had muted sound while the commentators said what was going on- act like he was going to do a big jump, then with much aplomb would fall onto his back.  He'd then come over to Matthew and I on the couch and show us his lower back. With head hanging low, he'd join us on the couch and tell us that he could no longer skate.  It was quite the dramatic occasion...and took place almost every night for a week following the actual event.

I also quite enjoyed the night that we were watching pairs skating.  Gavin and Harper and I were dancing in the living room while the couples skated.  Gavin said with the most convicted and excited voice you can imagine- "Hey Mom!  Get onto my shoulders!".  Sweet boy.  I love that he so vividly expected that this was a likely scenario!   
Gavin and Harper both wholeheartedly participated in the skeleton event, while I watched on and cried in a combination of their cuteness along with the victory of Noelle Pikus Pace. 
 Probably the gold medal winning moment of the 2014 Olympics was an A-shift Saturday for Matthew (meaning he worked all day) that coincided with the tail end of a mommy bout with the flu and walking pneumonia.  Kiss of death.  We had a stroke of genius though when my little brother Connor came over and decided to create our own Olympic games.

I carefully handcrafted skis with cardboard and duct tape and provided ski poles out of dowel rods (we only have one P and one T- clearly, that would not suffice a 3 person race).

 Throw in a mountain made of pillows and couch cushions and you have quite an exciting evening.  

We had a blast!  Uncle Connor was quite the excellent ski coach and the materials were used for both down hill events as well as cross country/ hall way races.  

The fun extended into the next day and a few days thereafter.  

  So many priceless moments!  

Our competitive spirit was stimulated again a few weeks later with March Madness.  As you know from previous posts, this is a highly anticipated in the Cox, Jeffers, et al household.  This year, we decided that both kids were old enough to participate in the bracketology.

Both parents employed different bracket picking tactics dependent on the child's developmental aptitude for picking the best winner:

Gavin was able to decide based on the best candidate between two name choices

while Harper picked by selecting the ranking with their division.  

All in all, it was highly competitive and ridiculously fun; however our efforts did not prove very fruitful for either of the kids.  I believe that Harper is probably the only person in the world to pick two 11 seeded teams to go head to head and Gavin decided to pick a winner based on the team's ability to have a name that rhymes with good friends.  "Hey Mom!  Duke rhymes with Luke!"   In a typical year, this would have been fine, but a team whose name's rhymes with Flercer quickly upset the Luke/Duke naming strategy.

Our little slice of the world is fast paced, unpredictable but filled with lots of love, window watching, cooking events and cuddling.  

All of our days aren't perfect.  These are truly some of our high light moments.  We have many that we'd gladly leave on the cutting room floor...except for that life doesn't have edits. 
It just has love and now and doing the most with the time that we have.

PS: I'd be remiss not to mention that ONCE I was able to french braid Harper's hair.  It has never happened before and, so far, has yet to happen again; however it was a one time immortalized moment that I can now put on my mom resume.  

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

..but I forgot to blog about it.

I completely love looking back at my old posts and being reminded about something that the kids have done or said that I've totally forgotten about.  In the day to day, I kind of feel like I'll never forget this stuff, but I totally do.  I looked back over several pictures recently and realized that I have a bunch of memories making their way to the back of my brain, where they will inevitably fall out, as the word peacock recently did.  So in the interest of putting things back into my brain, the following recitation of currently coherent memories:

Gavin LOVES picking out his clothes.  Oh my.  We have had days where the boy will change his clothes 5 times, just because!  His FAVORITE is to pick out his jammies.  I don't think we will ever see the day again where he will wear one complete jammie set.  I love to see his combinations and I mostly love to see how excited he is when he feels that he put together a winning combination.  
This is pretty much the normal reaction:

Some of his other more fashionable ensembles are:
A puffy jacket with gray sweat pants

Shorts, cowboy boots and a chefs hat,

(Side note- yes, that is Harper wearing socks with sandals.  Her own idea.)

A vintage pilot hat and fire boots,

And last, but not least, knightly head gear.  
It is not uncommon to need to leave the house with a hat- not always a knight helmet, but this is a good example.  This pic was taken in my rear view mirror, looking back at Sir Gavin.   
Disclaimer: The car was in park.

Gavin is also known for making my heart melt.  He knows just how to do it.  One of my favs, that will always make me smile was his prayer one night at dinner: 
"...and dear God, thank you for making my mommy pretty."  Swoon.  

Harper Harper Harper.  
That girl.  She is a somewhat prickly ball of reserved spunkiness.  She is quiet and shy and clingy, but man, once that girl gets going, she's a firecracker!  Oh how I love my little fire cracker! 
In the last few weeks, Gavin has nicknamed her Sparky.  I don't know that he quite yet gets the concept of imagery, but he pretty much nailed that one unknowingly.


If I had to conjure up Harper-like thoughts with limited word pictures, I would say a cheesy grin with two hair sprouts.   

Harper loves to "rall" or draw and enjoys shouting the letters T, S and O, while we write them with enthusiasm on a chalk board.  
Don't judge.  That's how we roll.  

Lately, her new favorite phrase is "Okay, yeah, I know dat!"  She says it to everything.  
Me: Harper!  Can you come put on your shoes? 
H: Okay, yeah, I know dat!

Me: Harper, we're going to get in the car. 
H: Okay, yeah, I know dat!

Gavin recently asked her "stop saying that" cause she says is "over and over again".  I tried to remind him that he might say some things over and over again too.  

I have also been reminded that "poop" "toot" and "potty" are not just words that boys find humorous.  The girl cracks up at bathroom humor.  

And she loves to dance.  One of our spring time strokes of genius was finding out that our kids love "Guthwie Gween" (or Guthrie Green) which is an outdoor, live music park in Tulsa.  

Don't even ask about this picture.  It just plain cracks me up.  Harper making a mean face, with Matthew coaching Gavin, who is wearing a Army hat and carrying chop sticks, as he prepares to plummet down our couch cushions. With a pile of laundry in the back drop.  It has something do with the Olympics, which I hope to share about later, but the photo out of context made me SALTS (Google it.  It's a real thing.) 

A fun random memory from earlier this year was a somewhat formal, family Oscar party that we attended on the same night as a snow storm.  This is how we compromised: 

The last story of previously unblogged recollection was our childrens' wedding debut.  Gavin and Harper were the "wedding" children and Matthew's brother Benjamin's wedding to Amelia in March.  They were sweet to include the kids, which was quite a risky move.  3 and not yet 2. Ermergershk.  Talk about mommy panic attack.  We tried to mitigate some wedding day stress with LOTS of practicing in our entry way.  Lots.  Here were a few of our practice sessions: 

Yes- Gavin is wearing a swimming outfit, complete with goggles along with his dress jacket...and his sleeping pillow.  

I initially tried to hum in our practice sessions, just to make the point that there would be music that they'd be walking to.  Gavin took it very literally and decided that part of the ring bearer gig was to hum while you walk.  I loved it, and if the crowd were quiet enough on wedding day, you'd have heard the quiet humming a the cutest ring bearer that ever was.  

Here's how we actually did on wedding day. After much ado and unbearable waiting on the part of the ring bearer, their big moment finally came.  

Gavin sauntered and hummed down the aisle like a pro, being the gregarious ham that he is.  

Harper meandered down the aisle, somewhat like an Asian sightseer perusing with great thought the Empire State Building.  She looked from side to side and was soaking up the faces in the crowd.  

By the very end of the aisle, she had just about decided that she might be amused at what she was currently doing when she, quite literally, ran into the photographer.  Her bubble of amusement was burst and she gave him the most sincere look of disgust I've ever seen a small child muster and raced back up the aisle.  

Mommy and Harper spent the rest of the ceremony in the back of the venue where Harper became very chatty and we had to excuse ourselves to the restroom.  It was time well spent and overall a completely lovely day.