You know how expectant mothers can have their unfounded fears of the unknown? Since I was such a calm, cool and collected pregant mother, I can hardly relate to such a statement (if you can't hear the words dripping with sarcasm, then please re-read), however I did have just one or two fears when I was pregnant. Now I won't go into the myriad of things that I worried over for 9 1/2 months- and don't you dare ask Matthew- but one of my lesser worries was that I would have a boring baby. That's right. I stressed more than one time that I would have a boring, bump-on-a-log baby that didn't have any personality. I am not sure why this was such a fear since I don't really know any boring babies. I do recall once in college working in a church nursery where there was one child who was rather blah, but he might have just been constipated on that particular Sunday. All that to say, I am not sure what started in me this unfounded fear of having the one boring baby on the planet.
But you can all rest at ease, my friends. Mr. Gavin Cox is NOT a boring baby. And he has the faces to prove it! This kid is hilarious! If he's not talking, singing at the top of his lungs or training for the "jam your fist in your mouth" marathon, he's doing something else that is equally entertaining. And I LOVE the faces that this kid makes. I cannot even tell you how happy this mama's heart gets when she sees her baby boy making faces. This is what I'm talking about:
From day 1 (or I believe in this case day 2) he had the uncanny nack for silly faces.
That actually freaked me and Matthew out- thinking that my fear that he would be cross-eyed had come true. We were happy to find out that this was only a phase:).
When we first got home from the hospital, we played "photo shoot" at least twice every day. We would basically sit with Gavin on the couch and snap a picture of every face that he made for the next 10 minutes. Now with that in mind, it's no wonder that he didn't become cross-eyed...and believe me the memory on our computer has not appreciated that either. But none-the-less, we did get a few shots that we have deemed as priceless:
The na nanny boo boo. He doesn't get in trouble for sticking his tongue out at his parents just yet, but that day is coming-

His first grin- he sure was yucking it up about something-

His rise and shine, double chin-

This is his Austin Powers- all he needs is the pinky up and the "One million dollars" question-
Have you ever seen Pinnochio when he goes to Pleasure Island and smokes the cigar and turns green? This is Gavin's impersonation of that-
"I'm not so sure what I think about this whole Thanksgiving thing." You mean I really have to eat a turkey?
And this one- just pure sweetness-
Say what?
Pure Sweetness Part II
I love this- the "purse your lips and drool" look. He does it well!
I love this one becuase I have no idea where he got that raised eyebrow. He's pretty good at it though.
And this one just melts my heart. This look says "Mom, can't I stay up just 5 more minutes? You can't say no to me when I'm looking at you so sweetly!"
And this one is his face when he finds out that I can!
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