Monday, August 8, 2011

A few of Gavin's favorite things

Gavin is getting to the age where you can start to tell that he has preferences.  There are definitely things that he likes to do and other things that he really doesn't like to do.  For example, he really likes taking his bath.  For another example, he really does NOT like laying on his back to have his diaper changed.  I thought that this post could be dedicated to a few things that we have deemed Gavin's "favorite things"...for this week. 

Gavin's favorite chores to do around the house:  Laundry of course! 
Coming in at a close second is helping me organize his clothes drawers.

Gavin's favorite new toy:  This one is a tie for first place- or actually a collaboration because apparently paper plates and blue crocadile bath toys can only be enjoyed together. 
Not lying.  The paper plate was with us for two weeks until we finally retired it.  Little does Gavin know that there are about 45 more where that came from.  He especially loves waving it around in partnership with the blue crocadile.   I'm not sure why the two were such a match made in heaven, but they are.  The blue crocadile is still with us and though he is mourning the loss of his biodegradable friend, he doesn't have to be blue for too much longer- I'm sure before too long, we'll break out another paper plate. 
A close second in the "Favorite toy" category: his diaper box.
If you'll look closely in the corner of this picture, there is a nice, shiny plastic toy that mommy and daddy actually spent money buying...a toy that has lost out to the awesomeness that is the diaper box.  Why didn't someone tell us to save our money for when he's older and has a more discriminating toy taste?  Apparently right now the kid would be satisfied with a paper plate and a diaper box.  Live and learn. 

Gavin's favorite room in the house: The bathroom. 
I know, I know- he's a boy...but right now he loves the bathroom because it houses the bathTUB which is his real favorite. When Gavin isn't splashing around in the tub, he's standing on the edge of the tub, throwing his toys into the bathtub. We line the toys up after every bath to dry on the bathtub ledge and he goes and knocks them in one by one. It's very amusing.   

Gavin's second favorite area in the house: the room that holds the door stop.
Gavin loves the door stop.  It's springy, it's boingy.  It's everything you could possibly want.  He will crawl his little heart out and I think that he's going to look out the window or crawl to the front door...but no- he's going to play with the door stop.

Last but not least...Mama has to have a favorite, so we'll end the night with Mama's favorite jammies:
Sweetpea himself couldn't have beat that.  A friend gave us these jammies before Gavin was born and I waited and waited and waited until he could wear them.  I hope he never grows out of them because look how cute!!!  And practical...for those hot summer nights, when you really don't want to wear a diaper OR pants, but you also don't want to be a flasher.  It's like a mullet for pajama wearers: business in the front, a little naked party in the back!

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