Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Prayers for my Children

A friend remarked a few months ago about the significance of my children being able to one day read pieces about their lives in writing through our family blog.  I had always thought of a blog as pictures with captions...not that our pictures are anything super special, but that was the "driver".  But her comment gave me a thought about what I was being able to create for my kiddos through capturing some of these stories and moments.  One of my favorite things as a kid was to hear my mom tell us stories about when she was a little girl...and she'd tell us the same stories over and over again about her friend named "Hamster" and the little girl down the street who always said "I'm going home" when she didn't get her way and she'd always tell it with the same inflection every time she said it.  Now as I've gotten older, it's neat to hear my mom tell me things about my characteristics and personality from when I was little girl that are now true today.  Part of why I blog is to remember those things and hopefully give that as a gift to my kids.  I realized what a neat opportunity it would be for Gavin and Harper to some day read stories about themselves that will hopefully remind them where they came from, tell them things about their own personality and remind them of a mommy and daddy who love them so much and take so much pride and joy in raising them. I guess through the magic of blog printing, I can have this printed off some day and when the world wide web no longer exists and everyone cyber commutes to the moon and lives on their own solar island or something, they can have this ancient relic called paper (that will likely be banned as the world will have gone green) and read things that I wrote about them.  Not that we can't just tell them in person...but there's something about the written word that's pretty cool and timeless...and besides the fact that I'm way better in writing than I am in person.  Have you met me in person?  Kind of a weirdo. 

Anyways- one of the things that I want for my kids to know is not only about themselves, but the prayers that I prayed for them and will be continuing to pray for them. So I've started a segment on my blog called "prayers for my children", a follow up to my post a few months ago that has shaped the way I pray for my kids.  

So here goes.

Phillipians 1:10-11
For I want Gavin and Harper to understand what really matters so that they may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return.  May Gavin and Harper always be filled with the fruit of their salvation- the righteous character produced in their lives by Jesus Christ.  For this will being much glory and praise to God.

And of course I'll add a cute picture of them.  Because who doesn't like to see a cute picture that looks like this- 

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