So our lives are pretty much crazy. Between three jobs- one of them being a Firefighter, crazy schedules and just day to day mayhem, having the four of us sitting and in one room is a pretty rare to find. We make sure to cherish the moments and make the most of even such minuteness as going to Target. The value of time is all in how you spend it, right? Well lately, we've been making some pretty good use of our time together.
Making French Toast
Gavin has been mastering the art of French Toast. Already an
accomplished chef, he's gone from baked treats, to breakfast food. Last Saturday Gavin donned his apron, washed his hands and learned how to make french toast. This was actually my first time to make french toast too, so it was an adventure for both of us.
He loved stirring the "soup".
And his official job was to soak the bread, which he did masterfully.
He made a tray full of french toast that mama, daddy and sister all gobbled up. He was pretty proud of himself.
And so was his mama!
Holding Hands at
Gavin and Harper have an ever evolving relationship. Most of which means that as Harper grows and can do more, she and Gavin can play more and more. However it also means that Harper is learning how to dish it back to big brother. He's been a pesky big brother for long enough and now she's big enough to get revenge. Gavin has also become quite the bossy boy...even so much as a tell me to go to my room one day when accidentally bumped him with a piece of furniture. We're learning our "parent/kid" roles, to be sure. Gavin loves to boss Harper around and will tell her "don't scream" or "sister, be quiet", to which Harper has now become old enough to talk smack back to sounds more like a squawk, but she let's it out. Love it. Even though it's the earliest stages of bickering, it is the cutest bickering you have ever heard. But even cuter than that are the moments that they show love to each other, which is really quite often. Gavin loves to say "Harper, let's hold hands". Mostly at the dinner table, but sometimes in the car.
Playing with our new pet, Blueberry
Blueberry was a gift to Gavin and Harper by Silly Anna, Aunt Molly, the kids' new Uncle Ross, and Funny Camillo (yes, there are a lot of funny descriptions, but they all make perfect sense in our family). Blueberry is a blue beta. He is underwelmed at best. He was named Blueberry as the best of all options surrounding the word "blue" including Captain America, Bluejeans and Gonzo. I'm kind of getting the feel that Da Boo Dee might have been more appropriate because old Blueberry is the most melancholy fish I have ever seen. He just floats around and thinks about his days at the pet store. We're hoping to win him over, but our task looks great. Gavin does the best he can.
Saturdays are also a day for bedhead,
showing team spirit
doing some cleaning around the house,
riding around in our little pink coupe (thank you, Mana and Da!)
and just generally be silly and cute!
Thank you, God for days of cuddles, sweetness, and family time. They are few and far between, but when they happen, they are beautiful.