So without any further ado; 5 lessons I have learned throughout the month of April:
1) Three heads are better than one!
This picture is SO CUTE! This is Gavin with his two cousins, Bennett and Paxen. This is the first picture we have ever gotten of the three of them where they were actually being still!! Bennett just turned 3, Paxen will be 2 in July...and Boy Cousin #3 is on the way to arrive in August! We hope someday that we will get a picture with all three (or four!) of their faces...but for now, we'll settle for the back of their heads.
2. Gavin is a class act!
How cute is my little vintage baby?! This little outfit was given to Gavin by a very good friend when he was born (when Gavin was born...not the friend. Ha!). She got it from a vintage store and the outfit is circa 1979! Now, I have to proudly say that is WAY before Gavin's daddy and mama were ever even born, so this outfit is truly a classic. Wait, wait- what's that? Is Gavin already rolling his eyes at his mother?
3. Even babies get bedhead.
Gavin has been rocking out some seriously cute early morning bed head and sleepy face. Matthew and I love waking him up in the morning to see what cute position he's curled up in or what cute little face he makes right when he sees us for the first time in the morning. One of the top 5,897,549,327,254 joys of being a mother!
4. Who says you can't feed a baby pickles?
Gavin has a new favorite snack! As you can see from the picture above it's PICKLES! Now before you go and call DHS on me, let me explain! I heard an old wives tale that pickles are supposed to help babies teeth. At first I thought "no way" but I heard it a few more times. So by the time I found myself at the Mazzio's salad bar looking at the pickled okra, I had done quite a bit of word of mouth research to validate my selection of a gerkin as a logical choice for a snack. Now I'm sure I'll get all sorts of articles emailed to me saying that pickles cause gout or lead to ADHD or that some new study by the American Pediatrics Association shows that all things that rhyme with "ickle" are harmful to children under the age of 17....but I'm going to live on the edge for once! I'm so metal!
5. I am the luckiest girl in the world.
I'm not sure if it was when I was getting a slobbery kiss from the cutest-chubby-cheeked-blue eyed boy in the world...
or watching one love of my life giving kisses to the other love of my life...
or seeing the daddy who raised me loving on the little boy that I am raising now
but during one of those events, the thought occurred to me "I've got it pretty darn good." I have to think that for every one thing in my life that I wish I could change, I have at least a dozen things that I wouldn't change for the world.
And there you have it folks. I'd say that's pretty good for a Monday night!
Oh my gracious!! How precious!!! I love looking at these and reading your witty remarks! So clever and soo cute! I'm so lucky to be the aunt/sister of this awesome Cox family :) Love you guys!