Sunday, May 1, 2011

Then & Now: Happy 6 months to my baby!

This post was a week in the making!  Mr. Gavin Levi Cox celebrated his 6 month birthday last Sunday, April 24th.  Growing up in the Jeffers family, a 6 month birthday, or a "half birthday" as we call it, is a BIG deal.  My mom would wake us up singing "Hap Birth to you!" (get it, folks, 1/2 of Happy Birthday) and that night we would celebrate with either cupcakes or half a cake.  Then- and only then- you could officially call yourself your age "and a half".  To this day, I know that I will always get either a phone call, text, or e-mail from- at the very least my mom, but sometimes a sister or two on August 25th- which guessed half birthday.

Well, Easter Sunday was Gavin's first "half birthday" which makes him officially zero and a half!  That morning, Matthew and I snuck in to wake Gavin up with his first "happy half birthday" wishes.  It reminded us of a Sunday morning not that long ago when we laid eyes on the greatest blessing God ever gave to us. 

This was the first picture ever taken of our little miracle, born on October 24th, 2010 at 9:46 am.  Sunday mornings at 9:46 will never be the same!  
Here is our little feller- just a tad bit older- waking up on his 6 month birthday.  I love his little squinty eyes first thing in the morning!  

After 19 1/2 hours of labor, Gavin Levi Cox FINALLY graced the world with his presence.  He was a labor of love for both his mommy AND his daddy.  This is the first sight I ever remember seeing of his little face- from the side though.  As soon as he was born, he had to be suctioned, but the nurse held him up to show me the face of the little person I'd been carrying for 9 1/2 months.  I remember seeing the side of his sweet little face and immediately thinking 1) he's actually cute 2) he actually has hair 3) he's actually here and fine and healthy.  Whew!
If you can believe it, he's gotten even cuter since that first day.  Just so you know- I am totally going to be that embarrassing mother that shows off her baby's hiney.  IT IS SO ADORABLE!  He's so playful and has the sweetest little personality too....but oh, that sweet little hiney.... 

(one of ) Gavin's first picture with his daddy
Gavin and his daddy are pals for sure!  This picture also shows one of Gavin's new favorite activities: spitting.  I'm such a proud mommy!

Gavin's first picture with his mama.  (No rude thoughts please.  I must remind you that I had just endured 19 1/2 hours of DRUG FREE labor.  Apparently the last half hour was spent with a wash cloth on my head- not that I remember that part..but just keep that in mind when you see me looking afright.) 
How sweet is he- all GQ with his shirt unbuttoned and his cute little potbelly sticking out!   

My sweet little boy
My sweet little boy

Our first picture as a family
Our family of three 

I remember when I was pregnant wondering who this little person was that God was creating.  What will he look like?  What kind of personality will he have?  Even if someone had told me every single thing at that time, I could have never prepared for how amazing this gift actually is.  I could have never dreamed how big and blue his eyes would be, how sweet the little dimples in his hands would be, how my heart would melt when he breaks into his all out grin, the love I would feel when he reaches up to touch my face.  Some things you just have to know to believe!  
I hope the next 6 months doesn't fly by nearly as fast as the last 6 months.  It's a pleasure to be the mama of such a sweet little boy. Thank you, God.  How could I ask for more? 

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