Saturday, May 28, 2011

Around the house

So I did a post a while back about how our house has transformed since having a baby.  Now that Gavin has mastered the art of the army crawl, our house has tranformed again.  We have just arrived at the baby proofing stage.  In fact- that reminds me, we need to take a trip to Target this weekend!
This is how I get things done around the house: Build Gavin 180 degrees of activities and check in every 30 seconds.  This will keep him occupied for about a minute and a half..until he sees something like a remote or a cell phone or a pair of shoes- then he becomes a man on a mission.
Floor level shelves don't have a chance!  
Matthew and I are used to being able to leave Gavin in the living room for just a minute and coming back and he's usually in the same place that we left him.  Well, those days are over.  We turned our backs for just a second the other day and turned around to find an empty carpet spot- I actually said to Matthew "Where is Gavin?" And this is where he was:
Behind the entertainment unit and under his swing.  That kid.... And you can believe that whatever he find, he puts through quality control- which means it goes straight into his mouth.   
This is Gavin's new big accomplishment- climbing into the bottom of his exercauser.   
He LOVES it...and I think he's really proud of himself when he gets in there.  He hasn't quite figured out how to get out- which I kind of like :).  I imagine that he thinks it's a little fort.  What a boy! 
And he clearly feels just the same about being in the bottom portion of the Exercauser as he does the top part
I love Gavin's newfound curiosity and busy-ness.  It's a big world out there and he's discovering it one day at a time. 

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