Eeks! We are well into May and I realized that I had yet to post our April calendar pic! So here it is- Mr. 6 months himself! Isn't he a beaut!
I am happy to announce, ladies and gentlemen, that Gavin is now no longer a toothless member of society! His first tiny tooth has made its debut. See! The pickles worked!!! Gavin is starting to babble and likes to very enthusiastically say "Babababa" and "Mamamama". It is very exciting that he has learned to say "mama" just in time for Mother's day! Who would have thought?!
Gavin is a little eatting machine. He LOVES his mama's homemade taters, peas, peaches, green beans and anything else that I can put in the puree-er. We do a lot of baby food cooking at the Cox house!
I am hoping that by month 7 we will be reporting that Gavin is crawling. At this point, he does a cute little army crawl and can certainly get around, but he's not really engaging his arms and legs at the same time. All in good time, my dear. All in good time. What he IS doing quite successfully is sitting up! As you can see from the pic, Gavin is a most excellent sitter! This adds one more to the list of things that I have already deemed him to be "most excellent" at- spitting, hand sucking and singing falsetto.
Oh- and Gavin has a new favorite snack: paper. Hide your post it notes, folks! He's a man with a mission.
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