There it is, ladies and gentlemen, the proof that on Mothers Day 2011 all three of the Cox family members wore matching outfits. Matthew asked me early in the week what I wanted to do on Mother's day and the only thing that I could think of was that I wanted to wear matching clothes. I'm not sure why...but it definitely seemed like a first Mother's day type thing to do.
As I was thinking about what made this years mothers day so special (besides the obvious of actually having a baby to spend it with!) it made me realize how life changes and the simpler things in life are what matters. This Mother's Day didn't have a dollar amount assigned to it or a "special event" so to speak, but it was a perfectly wonderful day with two perfectly wonderful gentlemen. So in keeping with my favorite writing format which appears to be writing in "Top 5" lists, I'm going to name my top 5 favorite things about Mothers Day 2011:
1. Actually getting to stand this year when the pastor asked all of the mother's in the congregation to stand. Our pastor gave a beautiful tribute this year to mothers and for the first time ever in my life I got to stand with all of the other mama's in the room. As it usually happens when I am asked to stand in a large group of people, I am suddenly overcome with an overwelming fear that I'm not supposed to be standing and I'm the only person standing in the room, so I just stared at the woman in front of me until she sat down- hoping that she wouldn't lead me astray- but for the 1/2 second that I wasn't gripped with fear, it was actually a beautiful moment.
2) Picking up Gavin from the nursery mid-morning for his morning feeding. I stood at the door and watched him playing with another little boy. When he heard my voice, he looked around the room. Once he finally laid eyes on me- he gave me the world's biggest grin and laughed, like he was so happy to see me. I LOVE it!
3. Being at the park, dressed alike with the two men that I love. Our "big event" for the afternoon was going to the park with our Starbucks "happy hour" frappucinos. Oh yeah, baby! We stopped and talked to another family for a minute and as we walked away I said to Matthew "I bet they think we're dorks". To which he replied- "You're the one who wanted to dress alike."
4. Wishing two other mothers in my life a Happy Mothers Day! I got to see my mom and my sister- two fabulous examples of Godly mothers in my life. Check out this picture with my mom, her son and her three grandkids! This was a mother's day miracle!!
5. So I can't think of anything terribly unsappy, but I have two pictures left that I want to show, so I will just take up the #5 space to say that I love my Gavin and I love my Matthew! Matthew made sure that I had a wonderful first mother's day! So here are your #5 pictures. Cute, huh?!
(Many thanks to my awesome photographer/contortionist sister Abby for snapping so many great shots! She's the BEST!)
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