Saturday, July 30, 2011

9 Months

We have reached Quarter 3 for Gavin's first year.  I have noticed myself rounding to the year by telling people that Gavin's almost 1!  I'm going to stop that immediately as Gavin is getting way too big as it is.  We're trying to remedy that by having him take his morning nap with a brick on his head and stomach.  So far it isn't working and he's growing as fast as ever...especially in the tummy area.  (Note: for those of you with DHS on speed dial, please note the facetiousness in my writing tone.  He sleeps according to the American Academy of Pediatrics standards in a brick free sleeping environment) 
I'm not going to lie- the calendar picture taking is becoming increasingly harder.  To get him to A) stay in an actual pose and B) not play with the calendar is a challenge that greater a woman than I might be able to master.  BUT the point of the calendar pic is to show how big he has gotten and what he's doing developmentally, so hopefully we've still captured that this month.  I'd like you to pay special attention to the development of his inner thigh fat roll- it's quite impressive. 

Gavin is pulling up like a crazy man these days and can even stand against a flat surface like a wall or refrigerator.  He has had a few brief milliseconds where he has removed both hands from anything and was a free standing man.  I have a feeling month 10 will be big in that area. 

Gavin also loves walking...but only with an assisting device.  As you can see from the pictures below (and sorry from detering from my usual "calendar only" picture format for this post, but the second picture shows this way better than the first) he loves to walk, but only if he's pushing something along.  If we try to stand him up and walk with him in the traditional "teaching kid to walk" pose, his feet won't even plant on the ground. 
In other developmental areas, Gavin is eating well...clearly.  He likes anything and everything we put in front of him.  He's eating meat, fruits, veggies, name it.  It's starting to be fun that he can have little bites of what we're eating too.  He's a big fan of that. 
Another huge development this month had more to do with mommy than with Gavin, but our family has been blessed beyond measure with another job opportunity for me!  The job I have now is far more conducive to being a mother and having work/life balance, both in time and the nature of the job/people that I work with and for.  I can't even tell you what an unspeakable gift that has been in our lives.  God is so good.   
Today's moment of mommy nostalgia: It seems like only yesterday Gavin was a tiny little fragile thing and Matthew and I were scared to bring him home from the hospital. 
Today he's a hearty little guy with a personality and cuteness and smartness and over-all amazingness.  What a wonderful God we have that He would give us breath and life and being along with a heart and mind and emotions to take it all in with.  Some of us He might have given more emotions than others :), but nonetheless, it's an amazing gift!    

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