Matthew, Gavin and I are happy to announce that Baby Cox #2 is set to arrive in mid-April, 2012. Our family of three will soon be expanding to a family of four! Some days it seems a little more surreal than others, but we are thrilled.
Some days the idea of having two kids under the age of two is a little overwelming- thinking of getting two kiddos dressed and out the door before work or church...or having two kids riding in the back seat...or packing up two kids with all of their stuff for a weekend trip to Texas. Sometimes the very thought of it makes me want to take a I do! Then I think about how Matthew and I will be the two parents in charge of those two kiddos which is even more surreal!
The most mind-boggling thought of all of them though is that God could somehow make room in our hearts for double the love and joy and amazingness that we've felt in our hearts over the past year. I just don't know how it could happen! The thought of having two Gavin's just blows me away- and then I remember that this baby is its own little person with its own little personality and attitude and character traits and facial features...and then that blows me away even more. I'm glad that I have 28 more weeks to get used to all of this.
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gifts!!
Can I please take Gavin and all his preciousness to school with me? I mean you have another one coming, and he could help me with my homework! You won't miss him, right?